Monday, 8 June 2009

New View

This weekend we awoke to a new view over the fields at the back of our home.

This is the view from my daughter's bedroom window.

I know a lot of people do not like them, but I find the sight of the wind turbines strangely alluring.

It is only a small windfarm with only 3 turbines. About 20 miles away from here there is a much larger wind farm.

This is the view from my sons' bedroom window a few meters away from my daughter's room.

A more traditional Scottish rural scene.


Floss said...

I like them too, Alexandra! They are so very useful, and it's a bonus that they're quite asthetically pleasing, in my opinion. We have a larger wind farm between us and the Med, and it's placed very artistically on a hillside not far from an old church and ancient village. I think they add to the scene, personally, although I guess some don't agree.

I imagine that you can't hear your ones, can you, from that far away?

Ticking stripes said...

I have a strange fascination for wind turbines too! Can't explain it but I find them quite elegant and graceful...